Thursday, March 17, 2011

The show must go on!

It just doesn't stop snowing this year. Mid March by now and 5 days worth of fresh fluff turns every ski run into an event. Unfortunately there are always a few guests who think they have been punished by God because the weather is soooo bad, but thats their own problem. Check out this and more pictures and judge for yourself.
This week was the first time this winter that I took my big Canon 5D out skiing with me, and here are some of the results. "Actor" Marty Schaffer from Revelstoke came along with me for a few runs of snow safety in I tried to capture the action. I forgot how much fun it was to hunt for a good image, I should bring the beast more often.
And today the sun came out for the first time this week and we made it up to the glaciers. Luckily the recent strong winds did not effect the ski quality at all and the poor folks who had to hide in the trees enduring face shots all these days got to ski what they came for. Marty and myself through 12 shots of explosives to make some safe skiing, dug out some landings, and did not have to try hard to have some fun times in between.

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