Thursday, December 6, 2012

back in the yellow jacket

 For a total of 5 weeks spread over 3 different areas I am scheduled to work in the famous yellow jacket again. Therefore I was invited to go west over Rogers pass to Revelstoke and beyond in order to participate in Guides Training and Area Set Up. It was great to see so many familiar faces of the industry again, and spend time with old and new friends. At the same time there are always interesting topics presented by world class presenters, simply a melting pot of the current knowledge of mechanized winter guiding.

Dec. 1st
opening day of the  Revelstoke ski area, as seen from the helicopter...
looks a little sad lower down.
As far as it goes for ski areas, we got a way better coverage back in Alberta.
Guides Training in Nakusp
due to the rainy and warm weather we could not fly the helicopter for 2 days
We made the best out of it and relocated the avalanche triage exercises into the BC bush
Tranceiver Guru Manuel Genswein explaining the Nifty Difties of the Device.
P.A. rushing for the next victim 
found it!
Thankfully conditions slightly improved for Area Set Up in Revelstoke.
Although it was raining in town every day we managed to get our fair share of powder skiing in.
I let the pictures tell the story.

It was a fun 4 days in Revelstoke and I'm looking forward to
work with the boys and gals there for a couple weeks in January.

1 comment:

maikaljj said...

This matter is down to earth, hats off buds out there.
yellow jacket broadband