Monday, April 23, 2012

Crowded Alps

A few days ago, the smell of spring in the air, combined with yummy mommies watching and high expectations of my kids, I tried to show off at the skateboard park. In hind sight it was the wrong move, but at the time it seemed to be right thing to do, although the last time I ventured on a skateboard 2 years ago ended with a 3 month shoulder injury and I should have known better. This time it was the ankle for a change, and I was really lucky that I got a away with a bad bruise and a few days on the couch. Although I missed out on one of the best weather and snow conditions this spring so far, I got to clean up my lap top a bit and ran into those pictures below from my last guiding Summer in Europe. 
In case you have never been in the alps before, try to avoid them from mid July on until at least mid August, unless you enjoy a lot of company from strangers and hidden elbow checks in order to take over the pole position.


Grzegorz said...

Gery! I recognize the first two photos. Those are photos from the Lookout from last Sunday. Less the dogs.

Grzegorz said...

Gery! I recognize the first two photos. Those are photos from the Lookout from last Sunday. Less the dogs.

gery unterasinger said...

No wonder, pretty cushy benches you made up there. Just hanging out on them is worth the walk. You should go skiing with me, way less crowded at this time of the year.

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